
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Omega Linked to The Great Debaters

The Film-On Dec. 25, "The Great Debaters" appeared in theaters with Denzel Washington as its director and star, and Oprah Winfrey as producer.

Tolson is a member of Omega Psi Phi, a member of Beta Chapter (Lincoln Univ. PA) when Langston Hughes was there in the '20s. He was a managing editor of The Oracleat one point in time and was a graduate scholarship winner also.

The film depicts Wiley's most glorious chapter: 1935, when the blackpoet and professor Melvin B. Tolson coached his debating team to anational championship. . . . There are hopes to revive the debateprogram, and in a movie tie-in, Wal-Mart is to endow a Melvin B. TolsonScholarship Fund with $100,000. . . .

By the time Mr. Tolson arrived in 1923, Wiley had emerged as an eliteinstitution for the black middle class. The son of a Missouri preacher,Mr. Tolson had a soul fed by the Harlem Renaissance. He was both fearedand loved, inspiring, as one biographer wrote, "devotion bordering onadulation in many who knew him well." He remained at Wiley 24 years,publishing his most heralded work of poetry a year before his death in1966.

Wiley's 1935 victory over the University of Southern California (theopponents in the film are from Harvard) inspired people long denieddignity in white society. But the film omits one reality: even thoughthey beat the reigning champions, the Great Debaters were not allowed tocall themselves victors because they did not belong to the debatesociety, which did not allow blacks until after World War II. . . . There are plans to establish the campus's first endowed chair, namedafter Mr. Tolson. The poet's home, next to campus, now sports a sign inthe yard advertising its place in history.


Jesus Saves Ministries said...

I like your blog! The Greater Debaters is certainly an inspiring movie. In some ways, it hurts to see how far we have fallen as a people. We don't want to read, research, or write let alone debate. And trying to get blacks to blog and voice their opinions on issues of importance to us is like pulling teeth.

Thanks for taking the time to post a comment on the Jesus Saves Ministries Blog. Let me encourage you to keep blogging regardless of whether someone comments are not. God only knows what He has in store for you through this form of expression and communication, possibly a book or two. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Give Jesus Christ glory for the words He has given you and let Him order your steps.

85 to Life #5593 said...

That's right he was also the Mayor of Langston, Ok. but I have a question why did any of you pledge and what are you doing for Omega to make a difference.
